College Policy Adoption and Administration

Responsible office
President's Office
Responsible party
CFO and VP of Finance and Administration
Last revision
June 2023
Approved by
The Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees
Approval date
May 2012
Effective date
August 2013
Last review
January 2023
Additional references


所有涉及校园内社区成员的财务和行政政策, including volunteers are within the scope of this policy. 如果在部门期望和大学政策中描述的共同方法之间存在差异, the college will look to the campus community, 支持包括志愿者在内的大学政策的精神和目标. Unless specifically mentioned in a college policy, 学院的董事会受其章程管辖.


这一政策解释了大学政策的采用和管理. 本政策的某些要素可由校长邀请的校园社区成员管理. 然而,总统最终要对大学的政策负责.

Ethics: 该政策的目的是确保CC社区为公平的政策制定实施一个标准框架, maintenance, revision, 并在总统的指导和批准下存档, cabinet, and audit committee of the board of trustees.

Policy: 赌博正规的十大网站致力于确保制定所有政策和相关程序, maintained, revised, 并以符合法律和监管要求的方式存档,并维护机构的核心价值和使命. 该政策详细说明了学院对参与政策制定的所有负责办公室和组成团体的期望,并要求所有利益相关者参与深思熟虑, inclusive, equitable, methodological practices through the policy lifecycle.

赌博正规的十大网站已经承诺要成为一个反种族主义的机构. In an effort to mobilize this commitment, 鼓励政策制定者和审查者在构建过程中利用公平分析工具,从一开始就减少意外的不公平. 公平分析工具提供了有价值的洞察力和全面的考虑,以帮助集中边际和减少差异性影响,以消除系统性压迫系统中的结构性障碍.


Equity Analysis Tools:
公平工具用于挑战在政策构建和审查过程中考虑所有受影响方的批判性思维. 表格下是一些建议的工具,以帮助优先考虑公平的政策做法. 鼓励所有CC社区成员使用公平分析工具,从反种族主义的角度来评估和制定政策.

Policy Creation, Modification, Review, Archive, and Approval

Academic Policy:
The Faculty Executive Committee (FEC), Curriculum Executive Committee (CEC), 或者另一个适当的学院委员会可能会提议改变现有的学术政策或制定新的学术政策. These proposals are decided by the full faculty.

Administrative Policy:
鼓励校园社区成员通过联系总统内阁的任何成员或学院的监察员来建议新的行政政策或对现有政策的修改. If the President decides to move the process forward, 总统指定一个负责方起草政策或修订. 责任方向总统提交一份草案,由总统与内阁分享以征求意见.

The proposed policy is then shared with the campus community. 在采取任何最终行动之前,社区成员将至少有三十(30)天的时间对拟议政策发表评论. 总裁及/或总裁指定人员将考虑来自社群的意见,以便将其纳入政策.

总统的内阁审查和批准所有的大学政策. In cases of externally required policies, 需要董事会审计委员会的额外批准.

Interim Policies:
Under extraordinary circumstances, a situation may arise in which a college-wide, 必须制定行政政策,而采取行动所需的时间不适合上述方法. In those  rare instances, 作为学院的首席执行官和行政领导, the President, in consultation with the Cabinet, may establish an interim policy. 临时政策的理由和政策的预期持续时间应该是明确的. If the policy is needed beyond this duration, 总统与内阁合作:(1)通过上述程序将其作为正式政策采用;(2)在修订期限后继续执行临时政策;或(3)废除该政策.

Archival Policy:
Archived policies are stored in the Office of the President

Communication of Policy

Board Approval and Reporting Requirements

1. 须经学院管理机构批准的政策,须经校董会审计委员会审核, who in turn recommends approval by the Full Board;

2. 应根据每项政策的个别审查频率对政策进行定期审查.


Policy – A statement for a specific topic that must be followed. 可能是外部驱动的,基于法规或遵从性,还是内部驱动的,基于大学的最佳实践, values, or philosophies. A policy will say “what” but not “how”. Procedures, guidelines, 检查清单用于反映和支持可应用的策略.

Policy Approval Date – The date on which the policy is approved.

Policy Effective Date – The date on which the policy goes into effect.

Responsible Party -总统的内阁成员或指定人员,负责起草和更新政策,并确保对政策的认识和教育.

Procedure -为完成一项任务而进行的一系列既定活动. 计划表一份项目或任务的清单,指示如何完成某件事以确保一致性和完整性. A procedure may describe “how” to implement a policy.

Guidelines – Suggestions or instructions that are not mandatory, but are a good idea or best practice, that show or tell how something should be done.

Handbook/Manual -一本简明的参考书,提供有关某一主题的有用信息和/或说明.
Report an issue - Last updated: 04/01/2024