Surveillance Camera Policy

Responsible office
Campus Safety
Responsible party
Chief Operating Officer / COO
Last revision
September 2023
Approved by
The Cabinet
Approval date
October 2023
Effective date
December 2023
Last review
November 2023
Additional references


所有涉及校园内社区成员的财务和行政政策, including volunteers are within the scope of this policy. 如果在部门期望和大学政策中描述的共同方法之间存在差异, the college will look to the campus community, 支持包括志愿者在内的大学政策的精神和目标. Unless specifically mentioned in a college policy, the college’s Board of Trustees are governed by their Bylaws.



By these policy statements, 我们在监控公共场所的需要与保护个人隐私权的需要之间取得平衡.


Installation and Locations

  • Surveillance cameras will not view private bedrooms, bathrooms, locker room dressing / showering areas, offices, areas through windows, 或者其他有合理隐私期望的领域.
  • All surveillance camera installations will be visible, 除非校园安全主管和首席运营官(COO)批准例外.
  • 所有监控摄像头必须连接到主监控摄像头系统, overseen by Campus Safety.
  • 未经批准或违反本政策安装的监控摄像头将被移除.
  • 禁止篡改或修改监控摄像头.


  • 监控摄像头流入校园安全部门,授权人员可以远程查看.
  • 监控摄像机在正常情况下不会被连续监控,但可能出于合理的安全考虑,例如:高风险区域或事件, restricted access areas, access control systems, in response to an alarm, specific investigations, or a violation of policy. CC保留每周7天,每天24小时监控监控摄像头的权利.
    • 在这些情况下可以使用便携式监视摄像机设备.

Security and Access to Information

  • 通过监控摄像头获得的信息被视为机密,并将仅用于安全, security and law enforcement purposes.
    • 这些信息只有在得到校园安全总监和首席运营官(COO)的授权后才会发布。.
  • 通过监控摄像系统获得的信息或观察结果被认为是赌博正规的十大网站的财产.
  • 监控摄像头收集的图像将被保护,以防止未经授权的访问, alteration, or dissemination in compliance with the law.
  • Only authorized personnel, 由校园安全总监和首席运营官(COO)决定, 是否参与或有权监控摄像头或从摄像头获得的图像.

Retention and Release of Information

  • 从监控摄像机获取的媒体将至少保留30天(最长保留时间取决于可用存储空间)。.
    • 释放录音的请求必须以书面形式提交给校园安全主任或其指定人员.
  • Any legal documents (subpoena, warrant, court order) in connection with any criminal or civil action, 或出于任何风险管理目的,外部实体请求或指示访问或发布安全摄像头记录,必须直接通知校园安全部和首席运营官(COO)。.

Board Approval

  1. 这项政策不需要大学董事会的批准.
  2. 应根据每项政策的个别审查频率对政策进行定期审查.


  • 校园安全总监有责任在与首席运营官(COO)协商后,为安全和安保目的授权所有监控摄像头监控。.
  • Campus Safety has the primary responsibility for:
    • 监督和协调监控摄像系统设备的使用.
    • Disseminating and implementing policy and procedures.
    • 监测法律和行业标准及保护措施的发展.
    • 调查任何有关滥用监控摄像系统的投诉或疑虑,并确定是否遵守该政策. If a violation has occurred, 校园安全总监将就适当的结果咨询首席运营官(COO).
  • 校园安全部将与智能交通系统和设施服务部协调选择监控系统, maintain the system, 并定期审查,以确保它符合校园安全的需要
  • 申请新的监控摄像头或修改现有的监控摄像头必须提交给校园安全主任, who has the authority to approve, reject, or modify the request.

校园安全部将召集人力资源部的代表, Student Affairs, the Dean of the Faculty, Facilities Services, 和信息技术服务(ITS),以了解本政策的任何更新.


监控摄像系统:一套集成的摄像及相关技术,用于监控和记录指定区域内的活动,以确保安全, security, and crime deterrence.

获授权人员:已获有关当局(如.g., Director of Campus Safety, COO) to access and manage the surveillance camera system, its footage, or related activities.


Tampering: Any unauthorized intervention, manipulation, or interference with the surveillance camera equipment, its recordings, or its operational intentions.

Confidential Information: Data, images, 或者是通过监控摄像系统获得的录音,这些录音不是为公众提供的,而是受隐私法和大学政策保护的.

数据保护:为保证监控摄像系统采集数据的私密性和安全性而采取的措施, in compliance with relevant legal standards.

Report an issue - Last updated: 12/05/2023