CC’s Corey Hutchins Named Educator of the Year by Journalism Society

The Colorado chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists has named 科罗拉多大学’s Corey Hutchins as the 2023 Educator of the Year. 

Hutchins has been serving as co-director of the 科罗拉多大学 Journalism Institute since the fall. Prior to that he was interim director, 客座讲师, 和 the institute’s journalist in residence. He has been teaching at the college since 2017. 

今年, Hutchins is advising roughly two dozen journalism minors, overseeing their projects, 实习, 顶石, 和实习. 

“Corey is tireless in his devotion to the craft of journalism,史蒂夫-海沃德说。, 英语教授, who nominated Hutchins for the honor. “And more so when it comes to teaching it to our students.”

Earlier this month, the Journalism Institute was featured as a case study in higher education by the Center for Community 新闻 at the University of Vermont. Last week, CC journalism student Chloe Brooks-Kistler 赢得了 the top journalism award from the Denver Press Club — the second time a CC student has 赢得了 the top award since 科罗拉多大学 became eligible for the scholarship in 2019. 

埃斯特万而言, a staff writer at the Albuquerque Journal newspaper who graduated from CC as a journalism minor in 2021, presented the award Saturday, 4月22日, at the 2023 Top of the Rockies Excellence in Journalism Contest in Denver. 

“My journey in journalism began my junior year of college,” C和elaria said in his introduction. As a philosophy major looking to try something new for a half block, he said he narrowed his choices down to an LSAT prep course 和 a “Journalism Boot Camp.”

“For some reason, I went with the latter,” C和elaria said. “I walked into that class still a little leery. But the passion of a certain professor I met that day lured me in 和 took a hold of me that exists today even now, 年后. Throughout those short years, 和 even though I'm no longer his student, I've always been able to count on that professor for advice, 精神上的支持, 和, 最重要的是, 工作参考. 所以,今晚, I'm honored to present the SPJ Colorado Educator of the Year Award to my mentor — 和 friend — Corey Hutchins.”

This past year, Hutchins was instrumental in the creation of the Colorado 新闻 Mapping Project, a groundbreaking effort that seeks to identify where Coloradans are getting their local news 和 information in all 64 counties. He is currently working with Colorado Media Project on initiatives involving media literacy 和 equitable 实习. 

“There may be others out there who know more about Colorado media than Corey,” Hayward puts it. “但我对此表示怀疑.”

作为一名记者, Hutchins was twice named Journalist of the Year by the South Carolina Press Association, 和 was the Colorado Press Association’s 2019 winner for public service journalism. For nearly a decade he has written about the U.S. 本地新闻现场 Columbia Journalism Review 和 has reported for The Washington Post, 板岩, 这个国家, The Center for Public Integrity, 和其他人. 

During CC’s 2020 honors convocation, students presented Hutchins with the Ruth Barton Award that recognizes someone who contributes “significant time 和 effort to student journalism at 科罗拉多大学.“去年, he authored the chapter on media for the once-every-10-years book “American Decades” published by Gale, 和 wrote the entry on public funding for the second edition of SAGE’s “Encyclopedia of Journalism.”

Each week, he publishes a widely read newsletter on Substack called “Inside the 新闻 in Colorado” that connects local developments in journalism to what’s happening nationally 和 explores what makes Colorado’s local news scene unique.

“I know that this says educator of the year, but I want to share this award in spirit with the students who educate me every day,” Hutchins said Saturday in his acceptance speech.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 04/24/2023