
“你倡导对你来说最重要的事业. You have shown you are resilient and compassionate and that you can experience joy and hope in the darkest of moments.”—L. 宋理查森,CC总裁

“祝贺你们,2024届的毕业生们,你们成功了!L叫道。. Song Richardson at her final 毕业典礼 address as President of 科罗拉多大学. “You excelled in the classroom, guided by your dynamic professors and teachers. You did this while living through some of the most challenging times in recent history.”

CC的558名毕业生 他们在2020年秋天开始了他们的大学生涯, 在COVID-19大流行最严重的时候, 当社交距离, 面具, and hand sanitizer ruled the day; when so much uncertainty from a deadly virus sent classes – and life – to a virtual world; and students faced all those stressors on top of a rigorous academic schedule. They also endured an increasingly polarized political landscape, 战争, 日益严重的心理健康危机, 气候变化.

“你在这里的日子并不容易. No one would have blamed you for wanting to give up,” Richardson added. “但是你没有. 你坚持. That is remarkable and that says so much about your strength of character.”

在许多事情中, Richardson lauded the class for their part in expanding mental health services for students, 教师, 以及校园里的工作人员.

“你倡导对你来说最重要的事业. You have shown you are resilient and compassionate and that you can experience joy and hope in the darkest moments. This is why you are a truly remarkable group of graduates, 这就是我们今天庆祝你的原因,”她说。.

“你是一流的 去化验你的花露水 for SARS-CoV2,” Board of Trustees President Jeff Keller ’91 reminded them. “你们参加的新冠肺炎测试比课堂测试还多.” Keller invited the graduates to think of the rest of their life as “so many more blocks.” He encouraged them to continue being curious, adding, “you will be amazed at what you can achieve.”

International achievement during the height of the pandemic is what led CC to 授予校友吉姆·罗森塔尔荣誉学位 在典礼上. 罗森塔尔博士. 理查德·科西, 发明了科西-罗森塔尔盒子, an air filter that has been shown to be more effective than commercial HEPA air cleaners. 环保局认可的, 疾病预防控制中心, 以及其他独立实验室, a quarter of a million Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes have been built in the last four years to help protect people from airborne viruses and contaminants like wildfire smoke.

毕业典礼演讲嘉宾Frieda Ekotto 1986年 inspired the class with a call to action, asking them to pause and reflect on the 这一刻的诗学."

“As you leave 科罗拉多大学, what is going to be your contribution, the poetic moment for you?埃科托问. “I want to send you off with a message of hope – to tell you the world belongs to you. I am inspired by the world you show us you want to create, 并且已经通过展示勇气来创造了, 的决心, 以及革命性的想象力.”

Professor of Afro-American and African Studies and Comparative Literature at the University of Michigan, Ekotto is also the first African woman to graduate from CC. She implored the graduates to embrace respectful discourse as they navigate often complex and contentious global issues.

“因此, 我敦促你们接受不同的观点, 进行建设性对话, 努力培养一种同理心的文化, 相互尊重, 和包容性. 也许现在比以往任何时候都更重要, it is essential that we harness our differences and treat them as opportunities for growth, 学习, and use them to foster a deeper understanding of the world around us.”

仪式顺利举行, 尽管少数毕业生戴着伊斯兰头巾, 传统的巴勒斯坦围巾, over their gown in support of the pro-Palestinian movement. 当毕业生们走上前来领取毕业证书时, about 41 of them handed President Richardson a small Palestinian flag, 她把它放在一边. Several graduates also wore a stole in support of Israel, 对当前的战争表现出强烈的感情.

“Like you, I’m leaving a place I love,” Richardson told the graduates. “一个我称之为家的地方. Just as you are, I am eager and excited to follow my passions. I’ve become more creative, thoughtful, and courageous because of you. As we prepare to leave this remarkable place, hope is very much on my mind. 希望是你所表现出来的.”

“Remember that your role now is to pass the baton onto others as well as to continue to preserve what is so special about our alma mater: 科罗拉多大学,埃科托说.

在典礼上, 研究生19名 获得了教育学硕士学位.



报告问题 - 最后更新: 05/22/2024