
职业准备 is a foundation from which to 演示 requisite 核心竞争力 that broadly prepare you for success in the workplace 和 lifelong career management.

通过学习如何有意识地去做 开发, 演示, 文档, 显式地 善于表达 core “career readiness” competencies, you can strengthen your c和idacy f或实习生ships 和 jobs, as well as accelerate your career mobility 和 advancement.


nace-career-和-self-开发ment-black-line-art-icon.png  职业与生活设计

The ability to proactively manage your personal 和 professional growth throughout your life journey.

What are some ideas of ways you can continue to 开发 your competence in Career 和 Self Development?
  • Adapt to changes imposed by external circumstances, such as a p和emic requiring you to transition to remote learning 和 working.
  • 参观 职业中心.
  • 实践 面试.
  • Develop professional relationships 和 support 网络.
  • 尝试一些事情来测试你的兴趣或想法.
  • 为你的未来制定计划和目标.
  • 寻求和拥抱发展机遇.



nace-communication-black-line-art-icon.png  沟通

The ability to 善于表达 thoughts 和 ideas clearly 和 effectively to exchange information, 使用多种沟通方式, appropriate platforms to deliver 和 receive messages, effectively communicate to different audiences in a variety of situations.

What are some ideas of ways you can continue to 开发 your competency in 沟通?



nace-critical-thinking-black-line-art-icon.png  批判性思维

The ability to exercise sound reasoning to analyze information, 做决定, 识别问题, 制定可行的解决方案.

What are some ideas of ways you can continue to 开发 your competency in 批判性思维?

  • Evaluate multiple job offers to choose the optimal 机会.
  • Take a class that requires you to recognize, build, assess arguments 和 ideas.
  • 加入 辩论队.
  • 参加其中一个 CCE的问题的联盟.
  • Take a variety of classes that emphasize different “ways of knowing”. 和指导老师一起工作 学生 成功的专家 来帮助你选择一个类.
  • 实践 self-reflection in evaluating a recent decision you’ve made.
  • Be open-minded when meeting with your team 和 listen to your partner’s suggestions, hear them out 和 adjust your strategy based on their suggestions.
  • Evaluate the reliability of information sources 使用d for 研究 papers.
  • 参与 研究 项目与教师,如 分数.



nace-equity-和-inclusion-black-line-art-icon.png  公平与包容

展示意识的能力, 的态度, 知识, skills required to equitably engage 和 include people from all identities 和 cultures. Engage in anti-racist practices that actively challenge the systems, 结构, 以及种族主义政策.

What are some ideas of ways you can continue to 开发 your competency in 公平与包容?

  • Solicit 和 使用 feedback from people with multiple cultural perspectives.
  • Engage in conversation 和 dialogue around identities 和 cultures different than your own.
  • Identify resources 和 engage in your own personal learning 和 开发ment about your identity 和 identities different from your own.
  • 加入一个 多元文化学生组织.
  • 参加… 校外学习机会.



nace-leadership-black-line-art-icon.png  领导

The ability to recognize 和 leverage personal 和 the individual strengths of others to achieve common goals 和 使用 interpersonal skills to coach 和 开发 others.

What are some ideas of ways you can continue to 开发 your competency in leadership?



manage-information-icon.jpeg  管理信息

获得的能力, 批判性地解读, 使用, 交流信息, turning qualitative 和 quantitative data into 知识.

What are some ideas of ways you can continue to 开发 your competency in managing information?

  • 通过寻找研究机会 分数.
  • 考虑上一门研究方法课.
  • 研究职业信息 和 employer opportunities, analyzing what meets your needs 和 interests.
  • Seek guidance 和 advice when using unfamiliar information platforms.
  • Take an Excel course, workshop, or YouTube video online.
  • Complete some LinkedIn skills assessments related to data management.



nace-professionalism-black-line-art-icon.png  个人和职业效率

The ability to 演示 accountability to self 和其他s through effective habits to be productive in work 和 life.

What are some ideas of ways you can continue to 开发 your competency in personal 和 professional effectiveness?



nace-teamwork-black-line-art-icon.png  团队合作

The ability to collaborate with others toward a shared goal, 积极地参与, 最大化团队绩效.

What are some ideas of ways you can continue to 开发 your competency in 团队合作?



nace-technology-black-line-art-icon.png  技术

The ability to select 和 leverage existing technologies 和 使用 them ethically to solve problems, 完成任务, 有效地完成目标. Ability to identify, learn, effectively 使用 new 和 emerging technologies.

What are some ideas of ways you can continue to 开发 your competency in technology?

  • 在CC上计算机课.
  • 得到一个 校园工作 你将在哪里使用科技.
  • 志愿者通过 CCE to help a non-profit 组织 that needs help with technology.
  • Learn a computer language through a free class like CodeAcademy.
  • 完成一个 微的项目 通过这样的组织 ParagonOne.
  • 参与 a data science competition platform like Kaggle.



报告问题 - 最后更新: 09/26/2023