State of Sustainability Report 2019

The State of Sustainability 2019 Report documents 信息 from July 2017 to June 2018. This report focuses on where priority actions mentioned in the annual State of Sustainability Reports since 2014 have led to substantial 改进s and, in some cases, where the college has regressed in its sustainability 表演. Check out the STARS® Snapshot below to learn more about which areas of sustainability 科罗拉多州 College has significantly 增加 over the past year.

This years report is brought to you by the 科罗拉多州 college Office of Sustainability in close collaboration with the Campus Sustainability Council, the Dean's Office, 设施 服务, and the Office of Sustainability Interns. This document has been co-authored by Ian Johnson and Robbie Gardner '19, but is the work of many people on the 科罗拉多州 College campus. STARS® data used in this report have been compiled by: Ian Johnson, STARS® Interns Robbie Gardner '19 and Sara Dixon '22, with the support of Office of Sustainability 志愿者, Maddy Unger '21.

Download the PDF Version of the State of Sustainability 2019 Report.

stars snapshot

The 科罗拉多州 College State of Sustainability 2019 Report, in a similar approach to the State of Sustainability 2017 Report, is organized around the STARS® organizational model. Individual college goals and efforts, such as 效率 upgrades, 社区 接触, and carbon 中立, are captured in this robust metric. In 2017, the STARS® organizational model updated to version 2.1 from 2.0. 版本2.0 and 2.1 differ only slightly in certain 报告 fields and more 信息 can be found on the AASHE website.


SUS_ Draft STARS (4)

topics to explore

*部分 of the text in the 类别 and 子类别 descriptions below are used with 许可 from the AASHE STARS® 2.0 技术 Manuel.



课程 refers to formal 教育 programs and courses that address sustainability. The primary function of 科罗拉多州 College as an 机构 of higher 教育 is to educate 学生. CC is uniquely 定位 to prepare 学生 to 理解 and address sustainability 挑战 as it trains and educates further leaders, 学者, workers, and professionals. In offering courses that cover sustainability issues, 科罗拉多州 College has helped to equip its 学生 to lead society to a sustainable future.

CC saw an 增加 in 表演 in the 课程 类别 since the 2016-17 report. CC 增加 具体的ally in the Academic Courses 类别 and the Learning Outcomes 类别. This was due to an 增加 in the number of courses that meet STARS® 标准 for sustainability-focused and sustainability-related courses.

Below are the top initiatives at work 关于 sustainability in the 课程:

  1. The College is 探索 ways to deliver climate change content to all 学生 through an all-college general 教育 要求.
  2. The College works continuously to 增加 the number of courses that include sustainability content.

科罗拉多州 College improved in the research 类别 since the 2016-17 year. CC 增加 具体的ally in the Support for Research Category. In the past year, CC has 发达 a resource guide to help faculty fund interdisciplinary sustainability research. While it does not 构成 a college-wide program designed 具体的ally to 鼓励 faculty sustainability 研究中, the school is equipped to assist faculty in 获得 funding.


The Campus 订婚 子类别 认识到 the 重要性 of 提供 学生 with sustainability learning 经历 outside the formal 课程. Engaging in sustainability issues through co-curricular 活动 allows 学生 to deepen and apply their 理解ings of sustainability 原则. College-sponsored co-curricular sustainability 产品 help 集成 sustainability into the campus culture and set a positive tone for 科罗拉多州 College. In 另外, this 子类别 认识到 the 重要性 of support for faculty and staff 接触, 培训, and 发展 programs in sustainability. Faculty and staff members' daily 决定 impact 科罗拉多州 学院的 sustainability 表演. 装备 faculty and staff with the tools, 的知识, and 动机 to adopt behavior changes that promote sustainability is an 至关重要的 activity of a sustainable campus.

Campus 订婚

科罗拉多州 College saw an 增加 in score in the campus 订婚 类别 due to the introduction of the Excel at CC 证书 in sustainability. This 证书 program greatly 增加 the number of staff members who receive 信息 and training about sustainability topics and college goals and efforts as part of their professional 发展. Topics that were taught include but not limited to: Carbon Offsets and 可再生 Energy Credits, 科罗拉多州 Springs water 101, 可持续发展的 Travel, and Zero Waste.

Public 订婚

The Public 订婚 类别 认识到 efforts that give back to our 社区 through 社区 service, 接触, and 合作伙伴hips. 志愿者ism and the sense of 同情 that 社区 service helps develop are 基本 to 实现 sustainability. From tutoring children to removing invasive species to 志愿者ing in the 社区; 学生, 教师、 and staff can make tangible contributions that address sustainability 挑战 through 社区 service. 社区 订婚 can help 学生 develop 领导 skills while 深化 their 理解ing of 实用, 现实世界的 问题. 科罗拉多州 College can 贡献 to our campus 社区 by 利用 our 金融 and academic 资源 to address 社区 needs. In 另外, we can 贡献 to sustainability broadly through inter-campus collaboration, 订婚 with external networks and organizations, and public policy 宣传.

CC saw a significant 增加 in the public 订婚 类别 of the STARS® report due to CC taking on a 指导 program through AASHE with Transylvania 大学. 科罗拉多州 College also participates in collaborative efforts with other universities along the 前山 area twice a year to discuss various sustainability initiatives and programs. This 指导 program took place during the academic years of 2016-17 and 2017-18.


  1. The College is 探索 opportunities to meet with 不同的 军事、 政府, and 以信仰为基础的 groups in an attempt to bridge the gap between 人口 groups and bring 深思熟虑的, 基于事实的 信息 about climate change to groups who may be less 接受 to the idea. The main goal is to 增加 overall sustainability 订婚 in the greater 科罗拉多州 Springs 社区.


Air and Climate

The Air and Climate 子类别 有关 to CC's 测量 of and action to reduce 温室 gas and air 污染物 排放. In 2009 科罗拉多州 College signed the American College and 大学 总统的 Climate 承诺 (ACUPCC), 概述 its goal of 实现 carbon 中立 by 2020. Since 2008, the college has recorded and 发表 annual 库存 of 温室 gas 排放. The 库存 covers scopes 1, 2 and 3 排放.

The college saw a significant 增加 in the Air and Climate 类别 表演 since 2017. This is due to 继续 减少 in the 学院的 温室 gas 排放. In 2018, 校园 排放 were down 57% from the 2008 base year; Scopes 1, 2, and 3 排放 were down 34% from the 2008 base year. These 排放 减少 are largely due to 增加 in campus 效率 in 加热, 冷却, and 照明; 更换 of the 现有的 Tutt Library with the fully 翻新 零 carbon Tutt 图书馆; and a shift in grid energy fuels. 科罗拉多州 学院的 strong 宣传 has helped shift grid energy fuels over the past decade.

Below are the top initiatives at work 关于 air and climate:

  1. The college 仍在继续 to pursue its goal of carbon 中立 by 2020. The college and CSC are continuously working on 创新 策略 to meet this goal. For example, CC is 合作 with the local D11 school district on a 小规模的 pilot project to reduce 排放 in cost-有效的 ways at the school, thereby allowing CC to verify carbon offsets through 减少 from its efforts while 提供 电 savings to a public school.
  2. CC has 购买 local 可再生 energy credits and carbon offsets to mitigate the 额外的 足迹 taken on through the merger with the Fine Arts Center.
  3. CC 仍在继续 to 积极 work with 科罗拉多州 Springs 公用事业公司 to find ways to provide up to 100 percent of our energy usage with 可再生 energy. Doing so would 消除 all scope 2 排放.

***Insert GHG 库存 Graph***


The 建筑 子类别 有关 to steps that 科罗拉多州 College is taking to improve the sustainability 表演 of its 建筑. 建筑 are one of the largest users of energy and are a major source of 温室 gas 排放 on campus. They also use significant amounts of potable water. By 设计、 constructing, and 维护ing 建筑 in ways that provide a safe and healthy indoor environment for 居民 while simultaneously 减轻 the 建筑的 impact on the outdoor environment, 科罗拉多州 College can address the sustainability of its 建筑.

科罗拉多州 College saw no significant change in 建筑 since the 2016-2017 report. 科罗拉多州 College 仍在继续 to require that new 建筑, 添加 to 现有的 建筑, or 现有的 building 装修 should minimize building 生命周期 costs, direct and 间接的, relating to energy use, 维护, waste disposal and occupant health & productivity. 生命周期 costs should be based on a "whole-building 的角度来看", rather than from the 的角度来看 of 个人 building systems or 组件.

This was the first year that the 学院的 new 零 energy/ 零 carbon library was counted in the STARS® report. The library opened in the fall semester of the 2017-18 academic year. Included in the project is a 地热 energy field beneath 阿姆斯特朗 Quad, 115-kilowatt rooftop solar array, 400-kilowatt offsite solar array, green roof-top garden, and a 130-kilowatt combined heat and power system. The 零 energy Tutt Library has received numerous 创新 and design awards 在全国范围内.

Below are the top initiatives at work 关于 建筑:

  1. The College has 承诺 to building the 国家的“ first carbon neutral hockey arena: Robson Arena. This new state of the art arena will replace Honnen Ice Rink, the most energy 密集的 building on campus.
  2. CSC 仍在继续 to certify 个人 staff and faculty offices under its Green Office Program.
  3. CC scores lower in this 类别 due to the fact that no new 建筑 on campus are 认证 the 领导 in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) or other rating system. LEED is an international 第三方 识别 system that 认证 建筑 as 'green'. 科罗拉多州 College has moved away from 'pay to play' certification systems that do not 保证 any 具体的 表演, instead focusing its construction budgets on 影响 building 表演, energy use, and 温室 gas 排放 减少. All new 建筑 adhere to LEED 标准, 包括 commissioning and retro-commissioning. The Office of Sustainability is investigating alternatives for 增加 this score that does not involve 高成本的 certification systems.
Food and Dining

The Dining 服务 子类别 有关 to efforts at 科罗拉多州 College to help build a sustainable food system. Modern 工业 food 生产 often has 有害的 environmental impacts. 农药 and 化肥 used in 农业 can 污染 ground and surface water, which has 潜在的 危险的 impacts on 野生动物 and human health. Furthermore, the often long-distance 运输ation of food to CC 生产 温室 gas 排放 and other 污染. Additionally, farm workers are often paid 不合格的 wages, 受到 to harsh working 条件下, and exposed to 危险的 农药. 科罗拉多州 College can use its food 购买 to support local 经济; 鼓励 safe, environmentally 友好的 farming 方法; and help 缓解 poverty for farmers.

The college saw no significant change in this 类别. The college still only claims less than 40% of 可能的 points. 科罗拉多州 学院的 primary dining 服务 承包商, Bon 胃口, has a 发表 sustainable dining policy which states that they are 承诺 to healthy and sustainable dining at 科罗拉多州 College. The quality of 产品 being 购买 is assessed based on local, 生态、 fair trade, and humane expenditures.

Work between the Office of Sustainability and Bon Appetit is ongoing.


科罗拉多州 College 仍在继续 to address its energy 消费 through conservation and 效率 and by 切换 to cleaner and 可再生 energy sources, particularly wind and solar. Energy 消费 directly impacts our 温室 gas 排放, 影响 global climate change. Energy costs are also one of the most volatile 操作 expenses the college grapples with. Reducing or overall energy use and becoming self-sufficient to the largest degree 可能的 稳定 these costs and allows us to better plan for future costs while reducing our 相关的 温室 gas 排放.

The college saw no significant change in the energy 消费 类别 since the 2016-17 report. That being said, CC did 经验 a 16.1% 增加 in energy 消费 due to the 收购 of the Fine Arts Center. However, since the baseline year in 2008, the CC campus has 减少 energy 强度 per square foot by 28.0%, even with the addition of the Fine Arts Center.

* *更新 utility cost summary from 2017 Energy Report attached 分别

* *更新 Avoided Utility Cost

Below are the top initiatives at work 关于 energy:

  1. 设施 服务 has 多个 projects underway. *These highlighting examples can be found in the 2018 Energy Report 发表 in 9月 2018 by Mark Ferguson.
    1. 完成 of Tutt Library, East Campus Housing, and Cutler Center has reduced total energy use and 增加 energy sources from 可再生能源 at these 位置.
    2. The Central Plant Water Conservation and Heat Recovery Project was 完成 in 2018. The project reduced water 消费 at the Williams Central Plant by approximately 3.5M gallons. The project improves central plant 效率 and reduced water use and cost.
    3. Work 继续 on as many 设施 on campus were 转换 to LED lighting. This projects 利用 utility rebates to assist with the 恢复 and 更换 of campus lighting.
    4. 重要的 work was put into 规划 and incorporating energy 效率 with the 集成 of the Fine Arts Center into campus 维护 操作. Projects include LED lighting upgrades.
  2. 设施 服务 and the Office of Sustainability are 追求 a power purchase 协议 (PPA) with 科罗拉多州 Springs 公用事业公司 to provide 100% 可再生 energy to 科罗拉多州 College by 2020.

The Grounds 子类别 认识到 and 建议 areas where 科罗拉多州 College plans and 维护 its grounds in 根据 with sustainability 原则. 美丽的 and 欢迎 campus grounds can be planned, planted, and 维护 without the use of toxic 化学物质 and while 保护 野生动物 habitat, and 保护 water and 资源. 科罗拉多州 College has excelled in sustainable landscaping by means of its 集中 灌溉 control system, use of 饮用 water, and 放置 of several native plant gardens on campus.

The college saw no significant change in its grounds score for the 2017-18 report. In the spring of 2017, the college was 正式 认证 as a Tree Campus USA by the Arbor Day 基金会 and 仍在继续 to 维护 this certification. This means that tree care and health on campus is standardized and trees will 从今以后 be cared for by our campus 树艺家 and 支持 by the tree 咨询 委员会 made up of 教师、 staff, 学生, and 社区 合作伙伴. As part of the certification, CC 每年 hosts an Arbor Day event, in which 学生 志愿者 to work with CC staff in 种植 and 维护ing trees and gardens on campus.

Below are the top initiatives at work 关于 理由:

  1. Guide future campus 景观 projects to ensure 种植 areas favor xeric and native species over water-密集的 Kentucky 蓝草音乐.
  2. Educate the campus and 科罗拉多州 Springs 社区 on the benefits of 种植 species that are less water-密集的 and better suit for the 半干旱 climate of 科罗拉多州. This can be accomplished by 社区 led 用节水技术栽培的花园 projects and placards that call out campus 用节水技术栽培的花园 位置.
  3. Educate the campus 社区 on the 适当的 nature of Kentucky 蓝草音乐 in high-use areas where a 有弹性的 地被植物 is needed (e.g. - main quad spaces).

科罗拉多州 College can use its 采购 power to help build a sustainable economy. Each 采购 决定 代表 an opportunity for CC to choose environmentally and 社会 更可取的 产品 and 服务 that support 公司 with strong commitments to sustainability.

The college saw no significant change since the 2016-2017 report. The college has been without a 采购 manager for the past two years. 因此, there are no current initiatives by Campus Sustainability Council or the Office of Sustainability to improve sustainability in 采购、 although there is room for future 改进 主要是 in Office Paper 采购、 包容 and Local 采购、 and 的指导方针 for Business Partners.


Transportation is a major source of 温室 gas 排放 and other 污染物 that 贡献 to health 问题 such as heart and 呼吸 疾病 and cancer. Due to disproportionate 曝光, these health impacts are 经常 more 明显 in 低收入 社区 next to major 运输ation 走廊. In 另外, the 提取、 生产, and global distribution of fuels for 运输ation can damage environmentally and/or 在文化上 significant 生态系统 and may 在财务上 benefit hostile and/or 压迫 政府.

The 学院的 运输ation saw a significant 减少 since the 2016-17 report. This 减少 was seen 完全 in the 员工 Commute Modal Split section. This was due to a 28% 减少 in the number of 员工 that use more sustainable 通勤 options as their primary method of 运输ation.

While we saw a 减少 in our 运输ation score, the college 实现 a $0.01 per-mile 附加费 to the vehicle fleet. The money from this 附加费 is used to purchase regionally-based carbon offsets for fleet vehicle usage.

Below are the top initiatives at work 关于 运输ation:

  1. In 2017 the Office of Sustainability 合作 with Mountain Metro Transit to provide all 学生 with 无限的 access to bus routes using their student ID. This program is funded with student activity fees 分配 by the 科罗拉多州 College Student 政府 协会 and runs 在 the academic year.
  2. 科罗拉多州 College is an anchor sponsor to PikeRide, a bike share program for the City of 科罗拉多州 Springs. CC has four geofenced docking stations on campus and all 学生 have free access to annual 会员资格 to PikeRide. During the 2018-19 academic year, 学生 rode over 8,500 miles on PikeRide 会员资格. In the 2019-20 academic year, the program will expand to include faculty and staff 会员资格.
  3. The college 介绍了 a 运输ation offset option for 员工 and 学生 that travel in their time at 科罗拉多州 College. Students and Faculty can offset their travel to and from school online for a small price. At this time, the contribution are 自愿的. As CC 仍在继续 to make strides in 抵消 运输ation, office and 部门 will 希望 include 抵消 their cost in their budget 规划.

The Waste 类别 突出了 管理 实践 and areas where 科罗拉多州 College can improve by moving toward zero waste by 减少, reusing, 回收利用, and 堆肥. These actions mitigate the need to extract virgin 材料, such as trees and metals. It 一般 takes less energy and water to make a product with recycled 材料 than with virgin 资源. Reducing waste 一代 also reduces the flow of waste to incinerators and 垃圾填埋、 which produce 温室 gas 排放, can 污染 air and 地下水 供应, and tends to have disproportionate negative impacts on 低收入 社区. Waste 减少 and 转移 also save 科罗拉多州 College costly 垃圾填埋场 and hauling service fees. In 另外, waste 减少 活动 can engage the entire campus and broader 社区 in contributing to a tangible sustainability goal.

CC saw no significant change in the waste score since the 2016-17 report.

Below are the top initiatives at work 关于 waste:

  1. 设施 服务, Sodexo, Bon 胃口, and CSC have worked to install uniform 垃圾填埋, 堆肥, and 回收 centers across campus. This is an 扩大 program from an initial pilot in the Worner Center in 2014. These 容器 clearly 指定 waste streams and are 目的 to 增加 the 学院的 转移 rate from a 垃圾填埋场.
  2. The Office of Sustainability is 追求 an updated waste 管理 合同 that would require waste haulers to measure to weigh all loads picked up from campus 全年.

This 类别 applies to efforts and recommendations to protect water quality. Because pumping, 交付, and treating water are major energy users, 科罗拉多州 College can help reduce energy 消费 and the 温室 gas 排放 相关的 with energy 一代 by 保护 water. 同样的, conservation and 有效的 storm water 管理 are 重要的 in 维护ing and 保护 finite 地下水 supplies. Water conservation and 有效的 storm water 管理 also reduce the need for effluent 放电 into local surface water 供应, which helps improve the health of local water 生态系统.

The college earned all 可能的 points both the Water Use and 雨水 管理 类别. The college has reduced total water usage by 38% since 2008. The grounds 部门 实现了 a number of water-saving landscaping 策略 across campus and is continually 改善 those.

Additionally, the Office of Sustainability offers both a 为期三天的 water tour as part of its Sense of Place program to follow the source of water to 科罗拉多州 Springs and an Excel Course, 'COS Water 101'. Water in 科罗拉多州 and in the western United States is a particularly salient sustainability issue.

规划 and Administration

Coordination, 规划、 and 治理

This 子类别 认识到 the 机构's efforts to address sustainability at 科罗拉多州 College through the 奉献 of 资源, 发展中 plans to move toward a more sustainable campus, and the 订婚 of 学生, staff, and faculty in 治理. Staff and other 资源 help CC 组织、 实现, and 宣传 sustainability initiatives. These 资源 provide the infrastructure that fosters sustainability within CC. Sustainability 规划 affords an 机构 the opportunity to clarify its vision of a sustainable future, 建立 优先级 and help guide 预算 and 决定 making. 战略 规划 and internal 利益相关者 订婚 in 治理 are 重要的 steps in making sustainability a campus priority and may help 提倡 实现 changes to achieve sustainability goals.

The college saw no significant change in this 部分的 score since the 2016-17 report.

幸福 and Work

This 子类别 有关 to 科罗拉多州 学院的 incorporation of sustainability into its human 资源 programs and policies. The 学院的 people define its 字符 and capacity to perform; and so, its 成就s can only be as strong as its 社区. CC has 提振 the strength of its 社区 by making fair and 负责任的 投资 in its human capital. Such 投资 include offering 的好处, wages, and other 援助 that serve to respectfully and 在伦理上 补偿 workers and acting to protect and 积极 affect the health, safety, and 幸福 of the campus 社区. 投资 in human 资源 is integral to the 成就 of a healthy and sustainable balance between human capital, natural capital, and 金融 capital.

The college saw a 减少 in this 类别 from 2016-17. This is due to a 报告 error. 在此之前, 科罗拉多州 College 计算 the living wage for a single employee using the Mountain States Council. Per college policy, all 员工 and 合同 员工 are paid this living wage. In the newest version STARS® , all 机构s are required to use MIT's living wage 计算器 for a family of two adults and two children. While this change was noted in the 2016-17 STARS® report for all CC 的员工, 合同 employee numbers 接收 this new 定义 of a living wage were not properly updated. The error has been 纠正, leading to a 减少 from the previous score. All 员工 and 合同 员工 continue to be paid a living wage per college policy, 不管 of the STARS® 定义. There are no plans to update college policy to 参考 living wage 标准 for a four-member family.

模范 实践

模范 实践 credits are 可选 and 识别 具体的 initiatives that 演示 sustainability 领导. Unlike 创新 学分, which are time-limited, 模范 实践 credits may be claimed in 多个 提交 as long as the 标准 are being met at the time of 提交.

CC reports on all fields it feels address the many active sustainability initiatives on campus.

Below is a list of the 模范 实践 credits the college 提交 in the 2018 STARS® report:

Sustainability Course 指定

教授 can register their courses as either sustainability-focused courses (T1), which 显式地 集中注意力 on at least three of the 目标 listed in the course 应用程序 and the 潜在的 relationships between them, or sustainability-related courses (T2), which focus on one of the 目标 listed in the 应用程序 and perhaps 考虑 连接 to other topics (目标 后 AASHE 指导方针). 指定的 courses for the year can be found on the website.

Green 体育运动

The 学院的 green 体育运动 includes offering a fan bus to 运输 学生 to World Arena for all 科罗拉多州 College Hockey home games. Additionally, Washburn Field is a 合成 turf field, 消除 chemical and potable water use, Olson, Stuart and Autrey fields are grass athletic fields all watered with 饮用 water.

Green Event Certification

The Green Event Certification is meant to 挑战 CC 学生, 教师、 and staff to think of the environment when 规划 and 执行 events on campus. This 标准 was built with student events in mind but can be easily applied to a 宽量程 of other types of events. The 科罗拉多州 Eco-Event 标准 is broken into 3 类别: Waste, Food & Drink, and Other.

认证 Green Cleaning

科罗拉多州 College has been 认证 under the International Sanitary Supply 协会 (ISSA) Cleaning Industry 管理 Standard for Green 建筑 (CIMS-GB) since July of 2015.

Green Laboratories

The Campus Sustainability Council Green Science 委员会 地址 Energy Conservation and 效率, Water Conservation and 效率, Chemical Use and 处理, 材料 管理, and Training for Lab Users on 可持续发展的 实践 through formal audits, staff and faculty 培训, and future lab 规划.

Grounds Certification

As of spring 2017, CC's campus is tree campus 认证, meaning tree health is of primary focus for the future. All campus trees are cared for by our campus 树艺家 and 支持 by the Tree 咨询 委员会. The 委员会 is made up of staff, 教师、 学生, and 社区 members. A tree care plan was created by the 委员会 that 警察 tree 管理. Additionally, each year in celebration of Arbor Day, 学生 are taught how to support tree health and plant xeric trees and gardens.

Bicycle 友好的 大学

The Bicycle 友好的 大学 (BFU) program 认识到 机构s of higher 教育 for 促进 and 提供 a more bike 友好的 campus for 学生, staff and visitors. The BFU program provides the roadmap and 技术 援助 to create great campuses for cycling. CC was named a Bicycle 友好的 大学 in the fall of 2015 at the Bronze level and has 维护 that certification since.

Natural 废水 Systems

Per city charter, 科罗拉多州 College utilizes 科罗拉多州 Springs 公用事业公司 (CSU) to handle its 废水. CSU exceeds its permit 要求s to ensure that water is treated in a way that 最小化 潜在的 harm to local 水路. As a 二次 治疗 to 废水, CSU employs the use of bacteria and other microorganisms which are fed oxygen which allows them to grow and consume other organic 材料. 硝化细菌 convert ammonia into nitrogen gas while other micro-organisms aid in the removal of 磷. All micro-organisms are then removed through settled and are reused time and time again. The facility utilizes 紫外线 (UV) light to 消毒 废水, which 消除了 bacteria and enhances the quality of 废水 放电. The 治疗 plant has adapted these methods to replace its previous use of gaseous chlorine.


创新 A: Campus Fleet 附加费

As 以前 stated in the Transportation section, the college has 实现 a $0.01 附加费 per mile on all of the rental vehicle fleet at CC that help to offset the fleet's carbon 排放. This is a first step towards 实现ing a campus-wise carbon price.

Report an issue - Last updated: 01/04/2021