Archived Visiting Writers Series

Spring 2022 Calendar


Block Five

Manny Loley

Tuesday, February 4, 2022. 5 p.m.

Manny Loley is ‘Áshįįhi born for Tó Baazhní’ázhí; his maternal grandparents are the Tódích’íi’nii and his paternal grandparents are the Kinyaa’áanii. Loley is from Casamero Lake, New Mexico. He holds an M.F.A. 他是美国印第安人艺术研究所的博士.D. 丹佛大学英语和文学艺术专业的候选人. Loley是Saad Bee Hózhǫ: din作家团体的成员,也是新兴din作家协会的主任. 他也是丹佛灯塔作家工作坊“六个方向:土著创意写作计划”的项目协调员, CO. His work has found homes in Pleaides Magazine,  the Massachusetts Review, the Santa Fe Literary Review, Broadsided Press, the Yellow Medicine Review, and the Diné Reader: an Anthology of Navajo Literature, among others. 他的作品曾三次获得推车奖提名. Loley is at work on a novel titled They Collect Rain in Their Palm.


Block Six

Hillary Leftwich

Tuesday, February 22, 2022. 5 p.m.

鬼魂只是知道如何敲门的陌生人, 2019), Aura, a memoir, (Future Tense Books, 2022), and Saint Dymphna’s Playbook (PANK Books,2023). 她在里吉斯大学获得了小说和诗歌文学硕士学位. 她阅读/选择/评委科罗拉多图书奖(2021),是凯尼恩评论奖学金校友(CNF), 2021). 她的作品曾出版于《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》(2021)的印刷版和网络版。,The Rumpus, Entropy, Denver Quarterly, and others. She is the owner of Alchemy Author Services & Writing Workshop, 在灯塔作家和丹佛大学专业研究学院教授创意写作. She lives in Denver with her partner, son, and their cat, Larry, 她还主持/组织在丹佛的Inkwell, 一个文学阅读系列,为所有声音提供了自由的空间.


Fatimah Asghar & Safia Elhillo

Tuesday, March 1, 2022 5 p.m.

Fatimah Asghar is a writer and filmmaker. 2011年,她在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那创建了一个口语诗歌小组,当时她正在富布赖特研究后种族灭绝国家的戏剧. 她是获得艾美奖提名的网络剧集《赌博正规的十大网站》的编剧和联合制作人. 露丝·莉莉和多萝西·萨金特·罗森博格研究员, 她还入选了2017年《赌博正规的十大网站》30位30岁以下精英榜单. She is the author of If They Come For Us (One World, 2018). She is the co-editor of Halal If You Hear Me, 一本颂扬穆斯林女性作家的选集, queer, gender nonconforming and/or trans.

Safia Elhillo is the author of The January Children (University of Nebraska Press, 2017), 这本书获得了西勒曼非洲诗人第一图书奖和阿拉伯裔美国人图书奖, Girls That Never Die (One World/兰登书屋,2021),以及小说的韵文 Home Is Not A Country (Make Me A World/Random House, 2021). 她与法蒂玛·阿斯加尔(Fatimah Asghar)共同编辑了这本文集 Halal If You Hear Me (Haymarket Books, 2019). 她目前是斯坦福大学华莱士·斯特格纳研究员,现居奥克兰.



Fall 2021 Calendar

由科罗拉多大学英语系主办,麦克莱恩访问作家基金会支持. 所有活动都只在网上展示,并向公众开放. Advance registration is required. Please use the link provided for each event.

Block One

Nora Brooks Blakely

Tuesday, September 14, 2021. 6 p.m. 

Nora Brooks Blakely, a former teacher in the Chicago Public Schools, 创立巧克力片剧院公司(1982-2011),并担任主要剧作家. Ms. 布莱克利是两位作家亨利·布莱克利和格温多林·布鲁克斯的女儿. She founded Brooks Permissions, in 2001. 该公司授权并推广了她母亲的作品,并开发了节目和出版物,证明了格温多林·布鲁克斯的持续相关性. Nora's first picture book, Moyenda and The Golden Heart, is an origin tale for Kwanzaa. It will be released this fall.

Block Two

Rajiv Mohabir
October 5, 2021. 5 p.m.

Rajiv Mohabir is the author of three collections of poetry: Cutlish (Four Way Books 2021), The Cowherd’s Son (昆迪曼奖得主,图珀罗出版社2017),以及 The Taxidermist’s Cut (2016年四方图书介绍奖得主). He also translated I Even Regret Night: Holi Songs of Demerara (1916) (Kaya出版社2019)获得了美国诗人学会颁发的2020年哈罗德·莫顿·兰登翻译奖. His memoir Antiman (Restless Books 2021)获得了Restless Books的新移民写作奖. 目前,他是爱默生学院文学硕士项目的诗歌助理教授, translations editor at Waxwing Journal.

Brandon Shimoda
October 19, 2021, 5 p.m.

Brandon Shimoda 是最近出版的几本诗歌和散文的作者吗 The Grave on the Wall (《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》,2019),该书获得了美国笔会开放图书奖 The Desert (The Song Cave, 2018). His forthcoming books are Hydra Medusa (Nightboat Books)和一本关于日裔美国人被监禁后生活的非虚构类书籍, 为此,他获得了怀廷基金会的创作非小说奖. He is brand new to Colorado Springs, 他是赌博正规的十大网站创意写作助理教授.


Block Three

Dot Devota
November 2, 2020. 5 p.m.

Dot Devota is the author of The Division of Labor (Rescue Press), And The Girls Worried Terribly (Noemi Press), The Eternal Wall (Book*hug), Dept. of Posthumous Letters (Argos Books), and most recently, PMS: A journal In Verse (Rescue Press). Excerpts from her nonfiction novel, MW: A Field Guide to the Midwest, are published in PEN AmericaDenver Quarterly, and on the Poetry Foundation, among other places. Her recent manuscript >SHE is a work of autoimmunefiction. Devota's Wall Poems are 大型书法装置,曾在全国博物馆和画廊展出. 她曾在叙利亚、黎巴嫩、日本、台湾以及整个欧洲和北美举办过读书会.

Block Four

Kathryn Kuitenbrouwer
December 7, 2021 5 p.m.

Kathryn Walsh kuitenbrowwer是一位加拿大作家,住在安大略省中部一座前联邦定居者的石头房子里, Canada on Mohawk territory. 她的教学兴趣是创造力和创意写作, 尤其是那些出自作者激情和特殊欲望的作品. 她认为,我们最好的故事可能位于我们无意识自我的隐藏角落. 她的个人兴趣包括道德和当地食品生产(以及食用), dogs, forests, gleaning, swimming, short runs, long walks, random dance breaks, and psychoanalytic theory. Oh, yes, and writing. She likes drawing things from nature, painting, dressing up in costume, laughing, and finding pleasure in odd places. 她的老板曾说她“幸福得令人怀疑”.” This is mostly true. She has published three novels, a book of short stories, as well as, many essays, reviews, interviews, and short stories internationally. You can discover more at





Report an issue - Last updated: 08/31/2022


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