
作为音乐大调和小调的一部分, 学生必须注册并通过考试, 在每个学期的主修/辅修课程中, MU216音乐会出席率. MU216 一个学期的辅修课程是多少 .25个学分(每学期).


及格:获得及格分数 MU216,主修/副修必须:

  1. attend department-approved concerts (including concerts they perform in) each semester 和 respond fully to the reflection prompts in their Concert Journal for each one — 8 per semester for majors, 未成年人每学期4美元.
  2. attend 音乐 Gatherings (a series of non-concert events/workshops/sessions) each semester — 4 per semester for majors, 未成年人每学期2元.
MU216 教学大纲(可在其 Canvas site) contains a full explanation regarding the requirements 和 practicalities involved.
也在 Canvas: a full list of 音乐 Gatherings 和 department sponsored concerts.

不需要注册 MU216 during pre-registration; all majors/minors are automatically enrolled for it.


  • Broaden their underst和ing of the rewards 和 challenges of the concert world
  • Gain a deeper underst和ing of performance practices 和 literature from multiple musical repertories 
  • 加深他们的倾听技巧和敏感度
  • 在他们的音乐学习中建立联系
  • 通过与同伴分享反思和经验来学习
  • Engage with academic 和 non-academic musical topics 和 conversations within our community.


请联系教授. 我很高兴 iaharony@talbertfenceanddeck.com 有任何关于要求的问题.

下载可填写的背诵表格只使用MS Edge, Adobe Reader, or macOS Preview app to fill in this PDF; then save it to send it to the next person. 为使其保持可填充,请勿打印以保存.

参加独奏会的学生需要填写这张表格 把它交给音乐办公室 (电子邮件 music@talbertfenceanddeck.com 或打印后送到帕卡德公司(116) 两次分开的时间:

  1. 在他们的独奏会预演之前. While in the process of filling out the form for the recital preview, students may place a hold in the Packard Hall scheduling book for their final recital date 和 dress rehearsal (tip: schedule with your 教练 during a lesson, or via email with the 音乐 Office with your 教练 cc'd); the date is official only after the student has passed the Recital Preview. 安排独奏预演与 苏珊恩典丹边缘, along with two other Recital Preview Committee members chosen by the student. 委员会将通知该学生, 教练, 和 音乐 Office whether the student has passed the Recital Preview.
  2. 在他们最后的演出日期之前. 的 form must be completed 和 returned to the 音乐 Office with all required signatures two weeks before the final recital date in order for a program to be created 和 printed.
关于独奏会的完整信息可以在 学生手册. 部分信息如下:
  1. 的 following are requirements for all 音乐 Department-sponsored recitals, 包括非信贷, 信用及高级项目. 所有 先进的 level students are invited to give recitals with the following provisions:
  • 的 student must be studying with a member of the CC performance faculty.
  • 这个学生一定是在 2 音乐 at Midday concerts sometime during the 2 semesters prior to the recital.
  • 这个学生必须通过试镜.
  1. 所有学生都需要参加一个独奏会的试镜, time, 和地点, 至少在演出日期前4-6周. 的 audition will be 10-15 minutes in length 和 should include repertoire from the recital. (一般, singers must perform 2 pieces of their own choosing in addition to 2 more pieces selected by the committee.)
  2. 的 audition committee will be made up of 1 academic faculty member, 丹·布林克或苏珊·格雷斯, 和学生选择的另一名教员. 的 student’s teacher should not be one of the committee members, 但应征求审核委员会的意见.
  3. 这将由苏珊·格蕾丝负责, the studio teacher 和 the student to set the audition time. If there are several recitals, there will be an effort made to have all auditions at the same time. If students are featuring guest artists at their recitals, 客串艺人也必须参加试镜.
  4. 试镜前两周, the student must submit a form listing the recital repertoire to the 音乐 Department Coordinator, 然后分发给朗诵委员会. 此表格可在音乐办公室索取. 的 repertoire must have the approval of the student’s teacher. 的 repertoire can be discussed by the committee 和 recommendations can be made to the student 和 teacher.
  5. 有两种类型的部门赞助的独奏会, 在帕卡德音乐厅演出, 学生可以试镜的:
  • 晚上7点或
  • 下午3时
  1. 日期可与音乐系工作人员安排, but they will remain tentative until the recital is approved. 的 student’s teacher 和 the accompanist must be informed of all dates. 鼓励全集和半集的独奏会.
  2. Final program information must be provided to the 音乐 Department staff 不少于两个星期 在背诵日期之前以电子方式提交. 不接受手写的项目信息. Program information must be approved by the 教练 before it is submitted. 的 department cannot guarantee a program for the recital if information is received less than two weeks prior.
  3. Department-sponsored recitals include the following: recital programs, 钢琴调优, 以及部门伴奏. 独奏会将录音. 如果需要直播或视频录制, coordination with 音乐 Department staff 和 the Technical Director is the responsibility of the student. 这些服务需要提前两周通知.
  4. Recitals performed at outside venues or in Packard Room 9 are at the discretion of the student’s teacher.
  5. It is not m和atory that the student present a recital for academic credit. 然而, the recital student who does want academic credit for the recital must also enroll in MU401/402 Readings with a full-time academic faculty member 和 will be expected to do some historical 和 analytical work on the repertoire of the recital 和 write appropriate program notes to accompany the performance. 的 final grade will be determined by the student’s teacher 和 the MU 401/402 Readings academic faculty member.
  6. Extended lessons are available to students who are presenting a junior or senior recital.


  1. 苏珊恩典 will accompany any student instrumentalist in concert, performance class, or auditions. She is also available for a rehearsal of a piece the student is preparing, but not performing. 的 preparation of the music should be far enough along to make the session beneficial 和 must be previously coached by the teacher. 学生应该打电话预约.
  2. 丹边缘 will accompany any student singer under the same arrangements. 学生应该打电话预约.
  3. Please encourage students not to wait until the last minute to ask for rehearsal time. 最后一分钟的询问总是不能满足的.
  4. 尽可能鼓励学生伴奏.

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报告问题 - 最后更新: 02/06/2024