
地址:1010n. 内华达大街.
建筑师:John Gray,普韦布洛
访问级别:推教堂是一个无教派的礼拜场所. 公众被邀请进入.

在大萧条时期,赌博正规的十大网站建造了一座期待已久的小教堂,被认为是该州诺曼罗马式建筑的最佳典范之一. F. 爱德华。小, 1935届的一员, 回忆起在经济困难时期,普塞纪念教堂对大学社区的重要性;

在朴素和节俭是主流的时代,[push]是一种优雅而昂贵的点缀. 每个人都在削减,削减,关闭. 在那个时候,为了那个目的花那么多钱,受到了公开的批评. . . . 这正是我们所需要的. 当周围没有很多闪闪发光的东西时,它就像希望的宝石一样闪闪发光. 它承诺未来会有美好的未来.

An 1874 master plan for Colorado College proposed a chapel in the center of the campus, with paths radiating outward, 反映 the importance of religion in its early history. The 机构的 stated purpose was "to build a college in which liberal studies may be pursued under Christian influences." The college was founded with the support of the 公理 Church, its early presidents were ordained ministers of the church, and most members of the board of trustees came from that 教派. 礼堂 in Cutler Hall and later Perkins Fine Arts Hall hosted daily worship sessions, and students attended services at the First 公理 Church on Sundays. In 1907, the college amended its charter to provide that the 机构 would be 无宗派的, although it required student attendance at daily religious services. Responding to the 首选项 of students in 1927, the college made such attendance optional.

Although the college gradually granted students greater freedom in their spiritual lives, President Charles C. Mierow (1923-34) and others believed that a separate chapel was an important and needed facility for the campus. Trustee Eugene Percy Shove's decision in 1928 to provide funding for the 建设 and endowment of a chapel to honor his clergymen ancestors was an 前所未有的 gift. The 建设 costs amounted to $316,000, later 补充 by a $100,000 endowment for 维护 and 编程. Shove played an active role in the plans for the chapel, demanding the finest materials and 手艺 despite the economic downturn during its 建设.

Shove, a prominent Colorado Springs 商人, played 重要的 roles in mining, banking, and the sugar industry in Colorado for half a century. Born into a Quaker family in New York in 1855, he attended Ithaca Academy, Cazenovia Seminary, and Syracuse 大学. In the early 1880s, he moved to Gunnison, Colorado, where he was first engaged in mining and then served as an organizer and cashier of the First National Bank. In 1896, Shove relocated to Colorado Springs, which was in the midst of a 巨大的 economic boom resulting from gold mining 发现 at Cripple Creek. He became a partner in a brokerage business in the city, invested in gold and copper mines, and continued in banking. He served as vice president of the mining stock exchange, president of the El Paso National Bank of Colorado Springs, chairman of the board of directors of the First National Bank of Colorado Springs, vice president and organizer of Golden Cycle Mining and Reduction Co., and treasurer and founder of both the Cresson Gold Mining and Milling Co. and the Holly Sugar 公司. Like a number of men who became 百万富翁 as a result of the Cripple Creek gold boom, Shove developed an interest in the affairs of Colorado College, serving as its vice 总统, a member of the board of trustees during 1914-39, and a two-time chairman of the board.

This Building
in History:

In 1929 Gray 建立了 a private practice in Pueblo. Shortly 后来 he submitted his designs for a chapel at Colorado College, and was selected from a group of nine 架构师 in a national 竞争. Apart from small 住宅, Shove Memorial Chapel was Gray's first 委员会 completed in his own name.

With gold beanies, green hair ribbons, and black sweaters our campus social life began in 1946. Once accepted into the school 社区, it was sloppy Joe sweaters, saddle shoes, and bobby sox.

The chapel is of pure 罗马式 体系结构 and leans toward the severe Norman 解释 of this style rather than the more florid Southern type of Southern France and Italy.

The large stone building is in excellent condition and is almost unchanged from the time of its 建设. The building is 重要的 for its 表示 of the 罗马式 style and of the work of architect John Gray, as well as for its high artistic values 反映 the work of Robert Garrison, Robert Wade, Joseph Reynolds, Jr., and others. The building 包括 important interior features that contribute to its 意义.

The college staged a national 建筑 竞争 to select a designer for the chapel. Fourteen 架构师 were invited to compete, including some of the foremost firms in Colorado, as well as companies in Boston, New York, and 费城. President Mierow, members of the board of trustees, Eugene P. Shove, and Denver architect Lester E. Varian served as jurors. The jury selected Pueblo architect John Gray to receive the 委员会 for the chapel project. Gray devoted himself to the task, and Shove Memorial Chapel, the first major building he designed after 建立 his own practice, is 被认为是 his finest work. Gray, born and educated in Scotland, had trained and worked in Chicago before moving to Colorado for his health. In Pueblo he became 相关的 with the firm of William W. Stickney, which designed the National Register-listed Colorado Springs Day Nursery. Gray also worked in Denver with Merrill H. and Burnham Hoyt, designing the 1928 St. Martin's Chapel of St. John's Cathedral. Gray's plan for Shove Memorial Chapel was 包罗万象, ranging from the character of the door hinges to the creation of the print on the memorial tablets. As President Mierow judged, the building reflects ". . . the skill and loving care of the architect who was not content with his vision of this beautiful college cathedral until he had realized its 实现 in every detail."

Designed in the Norman 罗马式 style, the mass and 比例 of Shove Memorial Chapel were inspired by 温彻斯特 Cathedral before its 重构 in the 15th century. The model was 被认为是 合适的, as one of Eugene Shove's ancestors had been ordained in the cathedral in 1600 and John Gray had married there. The architect indicated he 走近 the design of Shove 努力 "to recreate that elusive sense of mystery and the 虔诚的 大气 of the ancient 大教堂 and to 下属 all other 注意事项 for this purpose."

An elaborate 基石 laying ceremony for the chapel in October 1930 included an academic 队伍 to the building site and 参与 of the Grand Master of the Masons of Colorado. Eugene P. Shove and Rev. Irving B. Johnson, the Episcopal Bishop of Colorado, placed ancient stones from several religious buildings in England in the chapel walls. 建设 of the chapel provided work for a number of craftsmen at a time when the country was 经历 广泛的 失业. Platt-Rogers, the 承包商, hired only Colorado Springs workers to construct the chapel.

The architect initially specified Colorado red 砂岩, similar to several other campus 建筑, for the chapel walls. This plan was abandoned due to a lack of modern stonecutting plants in the state and the greater cost of the stone. Instead, Bedford, Indiana, limestone was selected and imported. The building required 1,000,000 bricks 制造 in Colorado and 650 tons of limestone. Workers in Indiana cut each piece of stone to precisely fit a certain location on the building. When a carload of stones went missing, it resulted in 建设 delays since the pieces were not 可互换的.

Faculty and students in academic regalia marched to the completed chapel for its morning and evening 奉献 仪式 on 24 November 1931. Shove was the first new building built on the campus since 1914 and the last to be erected in stone. President Mierow presided at the 奉献, and principal speaker Rev. Bernard I. Bell, president of St. Stephen's College, observed that the chapel "stands here, adjacent to the halls of learning, not merely for the promotion of human 奖学金 but for something vastly greater. It stands for the necessity and the 可能性 for a search of learned people for spiritual values."

Believing that using recorded chimes in the chapel tower would be “不值得” of the building, John Gray 委托 the Gillett and Johnston, Ltd., foundry of Croydon, England to produce a set of bells. The firm, which also 捏造的 the skeleton clock on the west wall of the tower, was one of the largest and most respected producers of carillons in the world. Gillett and Johnston also produced bells for the Cleveland Tower of Princeton 大学 and the Chicago 大学 chapel. The Shove tower has five bells tuned for Cambridge (议会) quarters. The bells were described as "probably the finest sounding chimes in the entire west, the clear notes of these bells ringing the hour and quarter hours is a welcome touch to the community life of the college environ." During the night, the front of the chapel and the tower were 照明灯 when the bells sounded between 5 p.m. and 10 p.m., 照明 the clock face. It was believed the chapel was the first building in the country with such use of 控制 泛光照明. An 铭文 from the work of Kahlil Gibran was etched onto the hour bell: “昨天 is but today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream." After being cast in England, the hour bell was shipped by steamer to New York, then passed through the Panama Canal and was unloaded at San 旧金山, where it traveled by rail to Colorado Springs. Shove boasted the largest and heaviest (10,759 pounds) hour bell in Colorado until the 大学 of Denver acquired a bigger one in 1999.

The chapel received a 40000磅的 Welte-Tripp Organ Company concert type pipe organ in 1931. A 代表 of the firm stated that the 仪器 was the "finest organ ever built by our 组织." It was crafted "with emphasis on features of tonal and physical beauty to 协调 with the new Colorado College building." Grace Church and St. Stephen's Church in Colorado Springs also installed a Welte-Tripp organ. Organ historian Rich Morel observed the Shove organ was built before the advent of 电视, at the end of a golden age when churches, theaters, 礼堂, and many wealthy 住宅 had such 仪器.

Artists and craftsmen from around the country worked on aspects of Shove to complete the carefully planned, 一丝不苟地 detailed design by John Gray. Sculptor Robert Garrison created the exterior stone carvings, including two 夜行神龙, the tympanum over the main entrance, and carved heads 用来修饰 the west entrance and the east window of the 早上/朝圣者 Chapel. Born in Iowa in 1895, Garrison studied at the 宾西法尼亚 Academy and with John Gutzon Borglum, who is known for his work on Mount Rushmore. In 1919 Garrison moved to Denver, becoming the director of the Denver Academy of Applied Art the following year. His 佣金 in the city included the designs for bronze mountain lions at the Colorado State Office Building, fountain figures at the Voorhies Memorial 反映 pool, and 建筑 features for the Ideal Building, the Midland Savings Building, and South High School. He moved to New York in 1930.

Master stone carver John Bruce, who had worked on buildings in San Francisco and Denver, carved the ornaments for the building using models provided by Garrison. The stonework of the walls required exacting skill, as each piece of limestone was cut for a specific site on the structure. Garrison sent the models for the carvings from New York, and Bruce prepared the actual works at the 建设 site. Two 夜行神龙, one on the south face of the 早上/朝圣者 Chapel and the other on the east face of the tower, are both 观赏 and also remove excess water from the roof. The figures were based on a timber wolf and a mountain lion because Garrison believed that local animals would be more proper and 有趣的. 奇怪的是, "J. Bruce" and an 1880 date are carved in the upper stonework of Cutler Hall.

Robert E. Wade, described as an "authority on design and painting of church 内部。” planned and painted several of the ceilings in the chapel, including that of the vestibule, the crossing, the chancel, and the 早上/朝圣者 Chapel. Born in 1882, Wade studied art in Boston and Europe and worked as a mural designer and colorist with the Boston 建筑 firms of Cram & Ferguson and Allen Hall & Co. Wade also painted features in the Robinson Chapel of the Boston School of Theology, and the Chapel of Emmanuel Church in 文索基特, Rhode Island, and in the National Register-listed Lincoln School in La Junta, Colorado.

Joseph Reynolds, Jr., of the 在全国范围内 公认的 Boston firm of Reynolds, Francis, and Rohnstock, designed and 捏造的 the stained glass windows. The firm had 以前 created windows for Wellesley College. Eugene Shove agreed to pay for all of the windows himself, with the 期望 that he would be repaid as memorials were purchased. The windows of each section of the chapel relate to a 特定的 theme, with the 图解 确定 by Reynolds, the college 总统, and the architect. The artist stated that he designed the stained glass in a “原始 and archaic manner."

From the time of its 完成, the building 包围着 a variety of 活动 in addition to weekly religious services. College rites of passage such as 毕业典礼 and insignia day took place in Shove. Public meetings, speeches, and 招待会 occurred in the building. The 部门 of Religion utilized its basement lecture hall.

The chapel continues to offer the campus community a place for classes, lectures, meetings, and a variety of programs, including two concerts of the college choir each year. The chapel is a popular venue for weddings due to its 传统的 体系结构 and its 跨信仰 nature. A 重要的 musical program, including an on-going 杰出的 Organists Series, has brought the world's finest organists to Colorado College. The 建筑 and 历史 意义 of Shove Memorial Chapel received 识别 through its listing in the National Register of Historic Places in 2005.

More Info:

National Register of Historic Places 登记 Form

报告问题 - 最后更新: 12/17/2020