2024 预科 Course Offerings

学生 who successfully complete a 科罗拉多大学 预科 course earn .75 credits (or 3 semester hours). This credit is transferable to many other colleges and universities.

预科 Block - July 8 - July 24, 2024

AS 112: Introduction to Drawing: Landscape Immersion RS54737_ga5-scr.jpg

访问ing Assistant Professor Kate Aitchison 

在这个课堂上, you will explore introductory drawing techniques specifically in relation to the Colorado landscape. Emphasis will be on observational and technical drawing skills as we explore landscapes surrounding the Colorado Springs area, 现场外画图. You will gain fundamental skills by studying line, shape, value, and composition. These concepts will be explored using different mark-making tools, 比如木炭, 铅笔, 墨水, 和孔蒂. You will learn both in field, drawing from the landscape itself, 在教室里, learning technical concepts in a more controlled setting. Taking lessons from this multi-pronged approach, you will complete a portfolio of finished drawings that speak to the complex nature of our contemporary landscapes.

EV 104: Climate Change and Sustainable Development

EVAssociate Professor Jean Lee

This class begins with an investigation of history and definitions of sustainable development and the key actors and institutions in the global arena that have worked to promote it. We then examine socioeconomic, 政治, 文化, 历史, and philosophical drivers of current environmental conditions. Includes perspectives emphasizing potential responses to climate change and the debates around these issues. 

PC 120: Introductory Astronomy: Your Place in the Universe



Recent observations using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and James Web Space Telescope (JWST) have revolutionized our understanding of the universe. We now have answers to questions that humans have pondered since our ancestors first looked up at the night sky, but there is much we still don't know. This course will explore the physics of stars, galaxies, quasars, and cosmology. We will also make extensive use of the 科罗拉多大学 Observatory and take a field trip to CC's Baca campus in Southern Colorado to experience truly dark skies. 


业务 & 经济学
EC 110:企业家精神 & 企业管理 业务

访问ing Instructor Janet Brugger 

Management theory asserts that managers spend their time performing activities such as planning, 组织, 导演, 控制, 和报告, however management of a company (and our personal lives) is much more than that. It can be a messy, hectic, and sometimes chaotic stream of activity. This class will explore the ever-shifting waters that managers and entrepreneurs must navigate to successfully run or start and manage a 业务.


电影 & 媒体研究
FM 205: Introduction to Filmmaking RS41258_8_14_14_Summer-Institute_0004.JPG

Assistant Professor Sky Mahaffie 

Learn to make movies in this exciting, hands-on course that covers the key aspects of film storytelling – planning, 拍摄, 编辑, 以及介于两者之间的一切. Establish the fundamentals of pre-production, production and post-production via short film projects, culminating in a final public screening. Topics include framing and composition; cinematography, 照明, and sound; 导演 actors; storyboards and shot diagrams; 编辑 tools and techniques; digital workflow; and the processes of giving and incorporating creative feedback.


GS 107:写新闻 
访问ing Instructor Corey Hutchins 


Whether writing a news report for a publication or drafting a press release to try and influence the news, 清晰简洁, 准确的, and error-free copy is tantamount. 学生 in ‘Writing the 新闻’ will learn how to gather information and assemble it to create compelling and engaging narratives in various ways. The goal of this class is to help students understand how different kinds of writing can operate within their own guidelines, 道德, 结构, style, 和形式. 在“写新闻”中,’ students also will gain an understanding about the various ways news originates, and the importance of local news to democracy. 学生 will also learn how to evaluate information in an increasingly confusing digital landscape that is rife with misinformation, and they will learn about efforts to advance equity in local news.  


人类生物学 & 运动机能学
HK 115: Intro to Human 解剖学 for Pre-Health 专业



A lecture and clinical case study course designed to help students gain an understanding of the fundamental concepts of the 结构 of the human body. The course will include regional study of the major organ systems. This course is designed to meet the needs of students interested in pre-health majors & 联合医疗领域. 






电话:719 - 3896239
电子邮件: precollege@talbertfenceanddeck.com
On-campus: Armstrong Hall, Room 213-A


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报告问题 - 最后更新: 01/19/2024