
K.D. 1929年斯特劳德一家的照片. 从左起坐:詹姆斯、鲍比、牧师. K.D.我是罗莎·梅,我是妈妈露露. Standing from left: 杰克, 尼娜, Dolphus, and 埃菲. This photo was taken a year after Dolphus walked and hitchhiked from Colorado Springs to Boston to run in the Olympic trials. Courtesy of the Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum.

我父亲和我分享了这一点, although he took pride in his exploits of academic excellence and long-distance running, '... 每个人都有一个储物柜.' He had a certain humility about being elevated to high status and seemed to see life as a series of experiences that allowed the fullest development of one's potential. Not only was he the first Black person to be elected to Phi Beta Kappa, but he was the winner of the 1928 Denver Olympic tryout race. Again, racism reared its ugly head and thwarted his qualifying for the Olympics in Boston. "

- 胡安妮塔·马丁, daughter of Dolphus Stroud

Kelley Dolphus Stroud was one of the most prolific scholars and elite athletes to ever emerge from the Pikes Peak Region.

Dolphus was one of 11 children, five boys and six girls, born in Colorado Springs to the Reverend K.D. (Kimball Dolphus) Stroud and Lulu McGee Stroud. The Stroud family moved from the Oklahoma Territory to Colorado Springs in May of 1910, seeking to leave prejudice and oppression behind them. Colorado and Colorado Springs was barely kinder to the Strouds, and each member of the family encountered harrowing racism in their time here. Dolphus distinguished himself in scholarship and athletics at an early age, 尽管多年的攻击, 迫害, and opportunities denied him because of his race.

Stroud's successes on the running track mirrored his excellence in the classroom; he first attended Bristol School and then Colorado Springs High School (now William J. 帕尔默高中). Despite his high school not letting him run on the track team, he won the Pikes Peak Marathon several times, and in 1928 he broke the record that had stood for a quarter-century.

1926年,他开始在赌博正规的十大网站学习, previously having been accepted at Harvard University but unable to attend there due to a lack of funding options. Local businessman and entrepreneur Henry Sachs recognized Dolphus' achievements and potential, and provided funding for him to attend CC. 在CC, he was the sole black student until his younger sister, 埃菲, joined him the following academic year. 他获得了几项奖学金, including the Perkins Scholarships of $400 each for the 1929-1930 and 1930-1931 academic years, given only to students with the highest academic standing in the class. 作为一名优秀运动员, Stroud was on CC track teams all four years of his time at the college, 赢得整个地区的比赛.

在他的大学教育中, Stroud continued to race at a prolific rate beyond the college track circuit. 尽管有资格进入美国.S. 奥运会选拔赛5号,000米比赛, he was denied funding to travel to Boston for the Olympic trials. 可以肯定的是,如果他到了波士顿, he would qualify for the 1928 Olympics, 他决定将近2点搭顺风车,000 miles from Denver to Boston in the middle of July. He made it to Boston with six hours to spare before the qualifying race. 疲惫, 饿了, 口袋里只有零钱, 他的比赛没有按计划进行, 他没能完成, 在第六圈摔倒了.

He returned to 科罗拉多大学 in the fall, and graduated from CC with a degree in political science, receiving A's in all of his classes but one, and was the first black CC student ever elected to Phi Beta Kappa. 从CC, 斯特劳德结婚并搬到了福赛斯, 乔治亚州, to work at the State Teachers and Agricultural College as an athletics coach and political science teacher. 晚些时候, he continued his studies at the University of Mexico, where his thesis - written entirely in Spanish - chronicled the 历史 of black people in America. 加上他的M.A.之后,斯特劳德回到美国.S., teaching across Texas before moving to Portland, 俄勒冈州, where he ran a moving and storage company, 还创办了自己的高尔夫锦标赛. 他在访问华盛顿特区时去世.C., in 1975. Kelley Dolphus Stroud was inducted into the CC Athletic Hall of Fame in 2006.

Recollections by 胡安妮塔·马丁, daughter of Dolphus Stroud

Despite the extreme racial prejudice and segregation at 科罗拉多大学 in 1927, my father appeared to have a penchant for turning obstacles into stepping stones. Although he had a predilection for scientific subjects, he was influenced by Dr. Edith Bramhall to pursue a political science major. He wrote of himself in the third person: "He had never seen a Negro functioning in any of these (scientific) fields. 因此, he assumed that the only use he could make of such knowledge would be to teach it to Black students in the Black schools of the south. 科罗拉多大学 was eminently equipped for the social sciences but below average for the exact sciences, 除了数学. He had always desired to be a writer and political science might be of aid there. He had read some of Bertrand Russell who was the popular theorist in a comparitively (sic) new discipline - 心理学 as well as 哲学; and he had read Kent's, “伟大的政治游戏.”,, although he did not believe that the social sciences had generated a truly new idea since the "Sermon on the Mount" was delivered by Christ, he felt that scholastic excellence in the social sciences consisted of impressing, first one's instructor and later the gullible masses with one's ability to express old ideas in new or more dramatic terms. 他觉得有能力做那件事. It was mostly new uses of unusual figures of speech at the propitious moment with the proper sounding board. His curriculum now would be top heavy with politics, 历史, 社会学, 心理学, 哲学, 英语, 公众演讲. (sic) His elective would have to be in the mathematics and science fields."

正如你可以从上面看出的, my father--and all of the Strouds--found their subservient position in this society ludicrous and approached their survival with the necessary duplicity that Black people have, 通过必要性, adopted throughout our coming into contact with the western world. This absurdity also contributes to our having developed creative means of transcendence--along with "wearing the mask" of humor.

我父亲和我分享了这一点, although he took pride in his exploits of academic excellence and long-distance running, "...每个人都有一个储物柜." He had a certain humility about being elevated to high status and seemed to see life as a series of experiences that allowed the fullest development of one's potential. Not only was he the first Black person to be elected to Phi Beta Kappa, but he was the winner of the 1928 Denver Olympic tryout race. Again, racism reared its ugly head and thwarted his qualifying for the Olympics in Boston. 摘自约翰·霍利的书, The Invisible People of the Pikes Peak Region, "Kelley Dolphus graduated from Colorado Springs High School with honors in 1925. He found it necessary to work full-time for the next two years, and in 1927 he entered The 科罗拉多大学, 还有妹妹艾菲, 他还加入了田径队. In March 1928 he recorded the fasted (sic) round trip climb of Pikes Peak, 三小时十分钟, breaking a record that had stood for 25 years. In June of 1928 he entered and won an Olympic tryout race in Denver in the 5,000 meter marathon. He had been informed that the winners would be provided train fare to Boston to represent the Rocky Mountain region in the national Amateur Athletic Union final tests for the Olympics in Amsterdam.

L. M. Hunt had accompanied Dolphus to Denver, and both were ecstatic over his victory. 然而, their euphoria was jolted when the officials informed them that no money could be provided Dolphus, as his time had not been equal to that of the previous winner. Dolphus和L. M. 他提出抗议,但无济于事. They were convinced that color was a primary factor in the decision."

My father hitch-hiked the 2,000 miles to Boston but was too exhausted to complete the competition. 随后, my father competed in a two-man race in Colorado Springs against Brooks Renshaw, the Finish runner who prevailed against a top runner in the 1928 Olympics in the five or ten meter run. My father wrote: "Dolphus welcomed the Renshaw meeting as a means of proving to himself what he might have done had he made it to Boston with less physical drain.“我父亲跑完全程并赢得了比赛.

My father did not complain about truncated opportunities due to racism, but he was acutely aware of ubiquitous injustice. 他晚年的成就, 作为棒球队的经理, 作为老师, 作为一个作家和诗人, 作为钢琴家和歌手, 作为一个企业家, and as a father attest to his belief in himself and his commitment to availing himself of every opportunity to live the fullest life possible.


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